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Festival of Science

Ewa Kurzak 2006-09-19

On 14th September 6-year-olds visited Wrocław where the Festival of Science took place. We chose the topic “Astronomy for children”. The trip to the astronomical observatory in Wrocław was a real attraction for children who were accompanied by their parents. We observed the Sun using a special telescope, we also had a chance to see how astronomers from the last century worked.

The children were fascinated with a movable dome of the observatory and an armchair which astronomers used to watch planets and stars.
An astronomer, Barbara Cader-Sroka M.A. told us about the Solar System and the outer space. She also told us that the Earth is the only planet on which water has density of a liquid.
Mrs Cader-Sroka described how planets are born and why Pluto is no longer a planet of the Solar System.
We have found out that astronomers could either decide that the Solar system consists of 12 planets or exclude Pluto of the system. They have decided on the second solution that is why there are only 8 planets in the Solar System now.
We also visited a special tent where we had a chance to watch a show of stars. Later in the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences we saw many instruments used to explore other planets and outer space.
In every building we could find a picture of Nicolaus Copernicus. /More about festival/ and on the Blogs

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Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester