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Kindergarten No 43 inSibiu- Romania

Michaela 2007-03-31

With an area of 238,391 square kilometers, Romania is the twelfth largest Country in Europe. Situated in the ortheastern portion of Balkan peninsula. Romania is divided into several regions: Dobrogea, Moldova, Oltenia, Muntenia, Transilvania, Crisana, Banat and Maramures. The capital city of Romania is Bucharest. Sibiu is the most important city in the county of Sibiu, situated in Transilvania. Sibiu is Europe capital of culture in 2007.

Our kindergarten consist in 135 children (3-7 years old) and they are divided into 6 groups. Each group has two teachers.

The children come to kindergarten early in the morning at six o’clock. First of all, they have breakfast and after this they start the activity with their teachers. At 11:30 they have lunch and than the children go to sleep until 14:30 o’clock.When they wake up will finished the activity with teachers until the parents will come to take them home, around 17:00 o’clock.

Kindergarten aims

At kindergarten the children learn to play in team, to learn poetries, songs, they learn to number, to paint, to dens, to made different figures, to have a good behavior with all
around them, to love animals, plants, in one word, to love all nature. Together with their teachers the children visit
different sights of Sibiu. The parents are very close to this activity which prepare them for school.
--> a ppt. presentation

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Wednesday 12th of February 2025 - 08:05 PM

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