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NEWS! Mathematical project for Little Explorers

Found 8 articles.

Headline   Author   Published

1, 2 Buckle my shoe   Kurzak   2007-09-22
Our math-activities   Kurzak   2007-09-12
EASTER GAMES with PARENTS   Kurzak   2007-04-09
Adventures of the Winnie-the Pooh (Kubus Puchatek)   Kurzak   2007-02-22
A race game 'Space excursion'   Kurzak   2007-02-21
Digital Puzzles. What is it?   Kurzak   2006-09-24
Board Game. What is it?   Kurzak   2006-09-24
DRAUGHTS ON-LINE   Kurzak   2006-09-24

Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 08:38 AM

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Net of Children Projects
Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester