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Float and Sink

Miriam Schembri 2008-01-01

We go to the beach. We make sailing boats with corks, jablo, paper and sticks /view a ppt.../

We sail our boats. We have lots of fun.

Back in class we put all kinds of objects in water to see which objects float and which objects sink.

- Plastic floats
- Metal sinks
- Wood floats
- Walnuts float
- Bottle filled with water sinks
- Empty bottle floats
- Cork floats

Tipsa en vn Print

Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 08:40 AM

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Net of Children Projects
Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester