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An invitation to ENO Climate Change Campaign 2009

Mika Vanhanen - ENO 2008-11-10

ENO Programme invites schools and children & youth associations to take part to the climate change campaign that will take place from November 2008 to January 2009. Intoductory weeks and activity packages are available in many languages. They are both for basic and advanced levels, varying from arts and drama to scientific articles and radio stories. There is also a gallup available in many languages and for public at large. The mascot for the campaign is Frank The Frog, a frog who fights against the climate change. Frank collects pledges from people to reduce the impact of climate change. The Majestetical March Of Frogs will take place on 21st of January 2009, around the world!
Schools have to register to the campaign on its website by 28th of November 2008. The website covers all the information in the link http://enocc.blogspot.com/

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