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Top 100 eLearning Awards 2006
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1, 2 Buckle my shoe

Ewa Kurzak 2007-09-22

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Preschool-aged children need to be involved with concrete materials and hands on activities in order to build pre-math skills. They need to think in concrete rather than abstract terms. In early years settings children need to experience mathemathics, rather than be taught it in a formal way. Aqcuiring the ‘feel’ of number and other mathematical concepts is for most children a slow but steady process. Children develop mathematical skills and discover mathematical relationships as they play with many different kinds of materials. A wealth of practical and entertaining learning experiences help young children grow up liking mathematics.
In this activity oriented project the children are encouraged to explore and discover fascinating mathematical concepts in an exciting and interesting way. They perform a series of hands-on mathematical activities which they share between the participants. Children invent and play games whilst they learn to follow rules. Math is a seamless part of the children's play.

Children will master pre-math skills
Children will foster essential skills like critical thinking, observation, problem-solving, and communication.
Children from partner schools will motivate each other.
Logical thinking skills will be encouraged
Good mathematical experiences will be provided
Pedagogical issues will be exchanged
Children will develop their skills in ICT
Children will become aware of different European cultures and languages.
Children will have fun!

Work Process
The co-ordination of plan of work and acceptance by all partners.
Integration of plans into curriculum of each kindergarten and school.
Discussing of lesson plans.
Presentation of children’s activities and work which will be emailed to each partner
Children’s activities and work will be published on internet page.

Each month a common topic will be carried out by all partners.
Lesson plans will be discussed and results of work will be exchanged at the end of each month.
A common mascot will be used whilst working on mathematical activities
Video conferencing will be held where children share their experiences, sing number rhymes and hear the numbers in partner’s different languages.
Common number songs will be shared and learnt by the children.
Partners will share links on the internet with mathematical online games.
Computer session on these online games will be followed by offline hands-on activities if possible with real versions of the items children see on the screen

Students’ productions
Children will prepare mathematical crafts, drawings and take digital photos and video clips.
They will invent mathematical games.
The children will actively participate in the preparation of presentations of activities they want to share with their new friends.
Children will learn number songs which they will share with their new friends through video clips and video conferencing.
Children will play online games and acquire ICT skills

--> 3-6 y.o. Children from Malta Iceland, UK, Poland

gif animation

=> Soon more...

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Net of Children Projects
Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester