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The spring-weather/ Poland

Ewa Kurzak 2007-04-13

How Little Explorers care for their health.

In the April 6 year old children observed atmospheric occurrences and interesting weather situations. They checked the temperature outside. They recorded their own attentions and facts on individual work-cards. Inspired by the beautiful spring-weather, they performed healthy, tasty and nice sandwiches from healthy spring-early vegetables.
=> a PowerPoint presentation...

Why do we have different results of measurement?

Children measure temperature in the nursery school at the same time but in separate rooms. The sun in both rooms appears in different moments of the day. That’s why children noticed differences in their own measurement. They marked differences of temperature on the graph.

In the garden
In the garden

On the meadow
On the meadow

Plants in the flower-pot
Plants in the flower-pot

Children make healthy sandwiches.

Radishes, cottage cheese, lettuce leaves, bread and butter
Radishes, cottage cheese, lettuce leaves, bread and butter

We must eat a lot of vitamins.
We must eat a lot of vitamins.

Children spend more time in the open air.

Tipsa en vn Print

Wednesday 12th of February 2025 - 07:54 PM

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Blog for Climate

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Net of Children Projects
Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester