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Miniatures' Park in Kowary

Ewa Kurzak 2007-07-04

In the area of Carpet Factory the "Miniatures Park of Monuments of Lower Silesia" has been made. The goal of this undertaking is to create a show-place as well as a new information centre of Euroregion Nysa. Visitors to this park have the possibility to acquaint themselves with some architectural structures of Lower Silesia (Dolny Śląsk) such as palaces, cloisters, churches, old centres of silesian towns etc minutely imitated precisely in the scale of 1 : 25.

1. The Palace and summer residence of Kings of Prussia in Mysłakowice
2. The Church of Kings of Prussia in Mysłakowice
3. The temple "Wang"
4. The Huntsmen's Palace in Bożków
5. The House of Gerhard Hauptman
6. The Old Town of Jelenia Góra
7. The Church of Saint Maternus from Lubomierz
8. The Old Town of Lubomierz
9. The Palace in Łomnica
10. "The House of Widow" in Łomnica
11. The shelter-home "Szwajcarka"
12. The Observatory on Śnieżka

13. The Temple of st. Lateralus on Śnieżka
14. The Palace "Boberstein"
15. The Palace in Karpniki
16. Oak Little Palace in Karpniki
17. The Palace in Dąbrowica
18 The Palace in Wojanów
19. The Townhall in Kowary
20. The Abbey in Krzeszów
21. Eastern Church in Sokołowsko
22. "Książ" Castle
23. The House of Sport and Turistic Museum in Karpacz
24. Old Houses in Chełmsko Śląskie

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Wednesday 12th of February 2025 - 08:04 PM

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