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Cliff Lane Primary School, Ipswich Foundation Stage

Owain Richards 2007-04-01

We are the morning Nursery children. We come to school at 9am and go home at 11.30.
Another group of children come at 12.30 and go home at 3.00.
There are 26 children in each class with our teacher and a Nursery Nurse.

We like to dress up, write and draw and play with our toys. We also like to paint and glue, and play with sand and water.

We like to play outside.
=> In April it was warm and sunny. The flowers we planted in Autumn have grown.

We start Nursery when we are three and a half.
We go into the Reception class just before we are five.
When we are in the Reception class we stay at school all day.
We have our lunch at school.

=> We enjoyed going out to play in the snow. It doesn’t snow very much in Ipswich.

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