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In the Summer Little Explorers will made experiment with amber.

Ewa Kurzak 2007-06-06

We have a some ambers. We found it on the beach of Baltic Sea.
We have a some ambers. We found it on the beach of Baltic Sea.

We will check whether this is the truth or falseness:
--> The amber swims in the salt water
--> The amber has electrostatic properties.
--> The amber can burn.
Our experiment/view more.../

--> Does the amber swim in the salt water?

We have the observation cards.
We have different suppositions : it swims or it sinks.
We live far from the sea, so we salt the water.
We choose different small objects.
We put the object into water.
We verify results after observation.

--> Does the amber have electrostatic properties?  

We rub the amber on soft the cloth - the flannel.
We bring nearer the amber to small bits of paper.
Yes, amber have electrostatic properties.

Tipsa en vn Print

Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 08:43 AM

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