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Dun Ġu¿epp ¯erafa Primary and Kindergarten School
By Miriam Schembri 2006-11-26

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Totally 3 comments « Show entire article
3. Thank You
By Sonia Mifsud 2007-05-26 18:52

I would like to thank Mrs Schembri for the way she brightenthe way she teaches our children
2. Fgura Project
By Josette Brincau 2007-02-08 16:51

Very interesting project. If we have more such projects in schools here in Malta, it would be very beneficial to all our children because after all children need more creativity. Very well done. Whoever took charge of this project should be well rewarded and recognised and it is truly done for the interest of the children.
1. A very good teacher at Fgura's Kindergarten
By Josephine Ebejer Grech 2007-01-28 08:59

A very well done to the Fgura's Kindergarten teachers for their very good work, not only in the e-twinning project, but also with the children. Well done and keep it up. I know how enthusiastic Miriam is, and how hard she works.

Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 10:36 AM

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Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester