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ETWINNING CONFERENCE 2007 'eTwinning Past, Present and Future'

Ewa Kurzak 2007-02-26

Little Explorers project team and Friends
Little Explorers project team and Friends

23rd February - 25th February 2007

The “eTwinning Conference 2007: eTwinning Past, Present and Future” was held in Brussels, Belgium. The opening address was given by Ján Figel, Member of the European Commission in charge of education, training, culture and youth.
The event also featured various plenary and training sessions for participants to: discuss the past, present and future of eTwinning in Europe; learn more about eTwinning tools; find out what’s going on at European and national level; and share ideas on how the Action can be further developed.
Six project winners (three winners and three runners-up) received their awards during the prize-giving ceremony.
Our project LITTLE EXPLORERS was one of the short listed projects although we didn’t make it to the finals. Winning projects were awarded with a four-day ICT camp at the end of April for teachers and students to meet their project partners face to face, learn more about online collaborative projects and spend time with other students from across Europe.
The event gathered approximately 450 participants from all over Europe and took place at the Brussels Crown Plaza Hotel.
The Polish, Scottish and Maltese co-ordinators of our project met at the conference.

Each European country put up an exhibition. Our project was exhibited and drew a lot of attention.

All the participants agreed that it was a wonderful and fruitful experience.

=> ANIMATION WORKSHOP by Oscar Stringer
     TOOL: www.findsounds.com
=> soon more in gallery

Jan Figel and Roman Giertych
Jan Figel and Roman Giertych

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Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 12:54 PM

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