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Celebrating Europe 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

Ewa Kurzak 2007-03-02

=> http://europa.eu/50/ /choose language/ On 25 March 1957, the Treaties of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) were signed, paving the way for what eventually became the European Union. Fifty years later, we are celebrating the anniversary of the Treaties of Rome.

=> Spring Day in Europe 2007
The European Union has evolved: common institutions have been set-up, the number of Member States increased from 6 to 27, a single market implemented, etc. We are coming ever closer together.
As stated in the motto of the European Union, we are “united in diversity”!
While remaining diverse in culture, language and traditions, our unity is based on strong common values such as freedom, democracy and equality.
=> Europa at a glance
The round table will be streamed live on the internet from 8:45 to 13:30 a.m. on Sunday 25 March. Watch the live webcast.
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