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21st September

Ewa Kurzak 2008-09-04

what: If you could talk directly to world leaders to encourage their support for peace, what would you say? In the celebration of the International Day of Peace on 21 September, send us a message of peace and we will pass it on to world leaders when they meet at the annual opening of the General Assembly on 23 September 2008.
The International Day of Peace was established by the General Assembly in 1981 to commemorate and strengthen “the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”

when: Send your message between now and 21 September 2008.

how: If you live in the United States, text the word ‘peace’ your message to the appropriate number listed above. All message are limited to 160 characters. Please read the terms and conditions before sending a message. If you live somewhere else, you can use the online form or send a postcard we have created for you.

Dzieñ Latawców - Dniem Pokoju

Kindergarten No. 5 in Glogow/POLAND

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Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
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