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Little Explorers in Winter

Miriam Schembri 2007-02-05

=> /LE in winter ppt./
During Winter time we count the cones that fall from the trees in our school garden.
We also weigh oranges, nuts and cones from our school garden.
We experiment with water and cloth to see which materials are waterproof. The waterproof material keeps us dry in the rain.

We sing and dramatize Incy Wincy Spider and the Winter Pokey We make orange trees and glue six oranges on each tree.
We go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook vegetable soup to keep us warm in Winter.

We go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook vegetable soup to keep us warm in Winter.

Tipsa en vn Print

Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 12:37 PM

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