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Water and Journeys in Ipswich

Owain Richards 2007-06-29

This term we have been learning all about Water, and going on Journeys.
We have had lots of fun playing with water indoors and out. We are growing lots of plants, and remember to water them
every day.

We made models of boats from empty boxes.
We looked at maps to see where water was. We liked the Little Explorers idea of making worlds from playdo, so we had a go at that ourselves.

- We looked at the map of the world to find Malta.
- We found Poland, where two of our Nursery children come from.
- We looked at Spain, where some children had been on holiday.
We made a Travel Agents shop in our classroom so we could pretend to book

We went on a walk to explore our school grounds.
/a ppt. presentation /

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Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 10:32 AM

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