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Spring Weather in Scotland

Margaret Hay, Wendy Munro 2007-04-15

/ View all files.../  The Little Explorers from Scotland observe the spring weather for a week in March. On Monday it was sunny and cold. On Tuesday it was sunny and warm. We play in the sandpit and pretend we are on the beach. We draw a smiley sun in the sandpit. On Wednesday it was sunny and cloudy. We look at the weather forecast for Thursday on our computer. The computer shows us the wind and rain for Thursday. On Thursday it was windy and wet. We again look at the weather forecast on our computer. It shows that on Friday it is going to be sunny. We see the sun on the computer. On Friday it was sunny and cold. In the morning there was frost on the ground. Brrrr….. The forecast for Saturday is sunny and cloudy.

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Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 10:45 AM

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