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A race game 'Space excursion'

Ewa Kurzak 2007-02-21

We prepare the plot and the rules and accessories of game
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       We create rules:
- Cosmic velocity, you pass 4 fields
3 - You wait 1 turn
4 - You come back to the beginning
5 - You move the checker 3 fields back
6 - You go 2 fields forward
9 - You bump into a comet
12- You miss 1 turn
17- You are on the planet

The game “Space excursion” brings many advantages for children:

1. Children can deal with difficult situations such as making choices and solving problems of emotional character.
2. Learn about important mathematical operations.
  -> They can say when there’s even number of things, but they also can also compare two numbers of things, say where are more (or less) things and define the difference.
  -> They can calculate sum and difference (forward and backward move of a checker)
  -> They learn how to put things in the correct order, they also counting and finding the correct place of a number in a raw of numbers.
3. Children are very satisfied when they play the game they have designed and prepared themselves which helps them to cope with a possible defeat. Children play the game many times.

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Wednesday 12th of February 2025 - 11:36 PM

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