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The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity - POLAND

Ewa Kurzak 2007-01-14

14 January 2007 For 15th time a charity campaign called „The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity” takes place. The initiator is Jurek Owsiak. Volunteers from all country and from abroad collect money for ill children. This year's fund drive will be forsaving lives of children in jured in accidents and for providing CPR education. All children from our town have also joined this campaign. http://www.en.wosp.org.pl/final/   All THE WORLD: http://www.wosp.org.pl/15final/lista_z_sztabow.php

Great Charity Campaign In GLOGOW

Children from Nursery No 19/Glogow
Image:Stach Witko
Children from Nursery No 19/Glogow

Image:Stach Witko

Image:Stach Witko

Image:Stach Witko

Photos taken by Stanisław Witko – the one of organizers of campaign in Glogow.
Photos taken by Stanisław Witko – the one of organizers of campaign in Glogow.

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Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 10:55 AM

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Collaborators:   Maria, Alena, Jitka, Miriam, Sylwester